The research was first conceived 13 years ago, when Dr. Kachaamy was completing his graduate studies at the University of Tokyo. The concept currently consists of a series of free floating built environments that uses natural resources (such as light, wind, water, flora and fauna) to help people unwind. At that time he created an evidence-based experiments that demonstrated the impact of architectural spaces on human well-being where the built environment becomes the medium that facilitates the connection between the microcosms, or the human inner self, with the macrocosms, which in this case refers to the different sources of nature.
When he moved to Dubai, he wanted to increase the symbolism behind the separation of that type of space from the urban fabric. So, he decided to create platforms that, through their positive disruption, can allow for a getaway from the city within the city. This is evident in the structure literally being lifted off the ground and levitating on a different plane than the rest of the city and has led to the series of prototypes under the title of Rising Oases.
Exexutive MBA Educational Facility
American University in Dubai
Surrounded by three main communities, Dubai Media City, Dubai Internet City, and Dubai Marina, AUD campus occupies a strategic location that overlooks the Sheikh Zayed Road from one side and Dubai Media City Park from the other. The project is located inside the campus between the School of Engineering and the School of Business Administration. Its south facade faces a piazza like area that serves as an outdoor extension of any events or activities happening in the surrounding of the campus. From the main entrance of the building, the atrium and the main hall are situated on a north-south axis ending with an outdoor terrace that serves as an extension of the activities happening inside the building. The terrace itself overlooks directly the piazza and can be used as a stage to the outdoor activities or as an outdoor extension of indoor events.

EMPTINESS: The Experimentation
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
The design project, titled “Emptiness,” was built as a pilot study for the experimentation section of the doctoral dissertation at the University of Tokyo. This project initiated from an entry in an international competition entitled “Extreme-Creating space in extreme and extraordinary conditions” that took part in the 22nd World Congress of the UIA (International Union of Architects) held in Istanbul, Turkey, for the year 2005. Following the deliberation of the Jury committee that consisted of peer architects, the design was granted the Assembly of Turkish Exporters, TIM, prize and bring to the forefront its conception to an international award-winning design project.

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